Bermuda Aikikai | 44 Ord Road | Warwick | WK10 Bermuda

Donovan Waite | Summer Seminar 2019| Bermuda

Donovan Waite | Summer Seminar 2019| Bermuda

Bermuda Aikikai welcomes Donovan Waite Shihan to Bermuda June 21st to 23rd, 2019. At the same time, Bermuda Aikikai is celebrating the Grand Opening of our new Dojo on Ord Road. Please join us for some amazing training, a boat cruise and a beach BBQ on one of...

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Christmas Testing At Bermuda Aikikai Dec 2018

Christmas Testing At Bermuda Aikikai Dec 2018

December 20th 2018 saw a number of tests in the dojo but the number 4 was the magic number. Tests comprised of 3 folks taking their 4th kyu test, featuring Cormac, Ben and Ben. Missing was Ryan who was unfortunately down with a serious case of flu and pneumonia but...

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Beginners Weapons Class

Beginners Weapons Class

Along with our Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evening classes, Sensei is reintroducing the Wednesday 6-7pm weapons classes.  This class last time was reserved for only black belts.  He is now welcoming all of you to join in.   This is a chance to learn...

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Over 40 Years Of Aikido In Bermuda

 Sensei Smith moved to New Jersey from Bermuda in 1978 and was first exposed to aikido at what is now Aikido Schools of NJ under Sensei R Stickles. Read more

Aikido | Kids Program


We offer a comprehensive kids aikido program teaching the development of young bodies and minds under the guidance of Sensei Collins Smith 6th dan.