United States Aikido Federation Eastern Region Test Requirements |
For achieving the following level:5th kyu (60 practice days) 1. Shomenuchi ikkyo (omote & ura) 2. Shomenuchi Iriminage 3. Katatedori Shihonage 4. Ryotetori Tenchinage 5. Tsuki Kotegaeshi 6. Ushiro Tekubidori Kotegaeshi 7. Morotedori Kokyuho
4th kyu (80 practice days) 1. Shomenuchi Nikkyo (omote & ura) 2. Yokomenuchi Shihonage (omote & ura) 3. Tsuki Iriminage 4. Ushiro Tekubi Sankyo (omote & ura) 5. Ushiro Ryokatatori Kotegaeshi 6. Suwari Waza: Shomenuchi Ikkyo; Katatori Nikyo (omote & ura); and Katatori Sankyo.
3rd Kyu (100 practice days) 1. Yokomenuchi Iriminage (2 ways) 2. Yokomenuchi Kotegaeshi 3. Tsuki Kaitennage 4. Ushiro Ryokatatori Sankyo (omote & ura) 5. Morotedori Iriminage (2 ways) 6. Shomenuchi Sankyo (omote & ura) 7. Suwari Waza: Shomenuchi Iriminage; Shomenuchi Nikyo (omote & ura) 8. Hanmi-Handachi: Katatedori Shihonage Katatetori Kaitennage (Uchi & soto mawari)
2nd kyu (150 practice days) 1. Shomenuchi Shihonage 2. Shomenuchi Kaitennage 3. Yokomenuchi Gokyo 4. Ushiro Tekubidori Shihonage 5. Ushiro Tekubidori Jujinage 6. Ushiro Kubishime Koshinage 7. Morotedori Nikyo 8. Hanmi-Handachi: Shomenuchi Iriminage …..continued Katatedori Nikyo Yokomenuchi Kotegaeshi 9. Freestyle- 2 persons
1st kyu (200 practice days) 1. Katatori Menuchi 5 techniques 2. Yokomenuchi 5 techniques 3. Morotedori 5 techniques 4. Shomenuchi 5 techniques 5. Ryotedori 5 techniques 6. Koshinage 5 techniques 7. Tantodori 8. Hanmi-Handachi (Ushiro Waza 5 techniques) 9. Freestyle 3 persons
Shodan (300 practice days) 1. All of 1st Kyu requirements 2. Tachitori 3. Jodori 4. Henka Waza ** 5. Freestyle 4 persons
Nidan (500 practice days) 1. Attend 2 seminars per year after Sho-Dan 2. All of Sho-Dan requirements 3. Tachitori 2 persons 4. Freestyle 5 persons 5. Kaeshi Waza ***
Sandan (600 practice days) 1. Attend 2 seminars per year after Ni-Dan 2. Subject of exam to be determined by examiner at the time of exam Note: Day requirements are counted from the last test. * Uchi & Soto Mawari: Both inside (Uchi) and outside (Soto) movements ** Henka Waza: Switching from one technique to another. Examiner will call the first technique. *** Kaeshi Waza Counter techniques. Uke applies the technique to nage. Original technique will be called by examiner. (e.g., to apply sankyo against nikyo) |
Glossary of Test-related Terms