Photo | Donovan Waite Seminar Group Photo

Photos | 2019 Waite Seminar Dinner At Harbourfront
Last night was a fabulous dojo family get together with great food, great people and some interesting speeches! Juliette may have captured some on her phone, but let's hope the battery died!

Photos: Donovan Waite Shihan Jun 22
Here's some photos of the classes held by Waite shihan today. Enjoy the look of people training with joyful hearts!

Photos | Smith Sensei Saturday Jun 22 Class
Smith sensei teaches basics, tai sabaki and kokyu exercises.

Friday Night June 21 | Donovan Waite Shihan
An absolute packed dojo saw Shihan Donovan Waite step on the mat for his second time in Bermuda, and to officially launch the new dojo space. Below are some images from the class. Class resumes 10:00am at Ord Road dojo with Sensei Smith, followed by Shihan Waite...

Shihan Donovan Waite @bermuda.aikikai summer seminar this weekend! Check the site for schedule and stop on by.
View this post on Instagram Shihan Donovan Waite @bermuda.aikikai Sunner seminar this weekend! Check the site for schedule and stop on by. A post...

Seminar 2019 Thursday Night
Thursday night's class was taught by sensei Eugene O'Connor on how to relate the jo to basic empty hand techniques and saw more past and present students and visitors from abroad turn up for a great night of training. Photos by Kim, the Sagurs and Cooks. ...

Seminar Opening Night | Weapons
Wednesday, June 19 saw the Grand Opening Summer Seminar kick off with Sensei James Constable teaching weapons, featuring bokken and jo mixed techniques. The temperature and humidity were kicking in high last night and the mat was full, a great way to kick things off....

Donovan Waite | Summer Seminar 2019| Bermuda
Bermuda Aikikai welcomes Donovan Waite Shihan to Bermuda June 21st to 23rd, 2019. At the same time, Bermuda Aikikai is celebrating the Grand Opening of our new Dojo on Ord Road. Please join us for some amazing training, a boat cruise and a beach BBQ on one of...

We Have Moved – Come visit us our new location
Bermuda Aikikai has relocated from Cobbs Hill Warwick to our new location at 44 Ord Road Warwick Come visit us in our new purpose built new home. Zoom in on the map to get the exact location.
Lunenburg Aikikai’s
2018 Spring Seminar
May 11.12 & 13
Collins Smith
6th Dan , Shihan
James Constable
5th Dan , Shidoin
Special Guest Instructors
Anthea Pascaris
(Notting Hill Aikikai)
Graham Fraser
(MSV Aikikai)