Bermuda Aikikai | 44 Ord Road | Warwick | WK10 Bermuda

Sensei Smith demonstrates Morote dori with @chris_ingham_photography at Monday night class.
View this post on Instagram Sensei Smith demonstrates Morote dori with @chris_ingham_photography at Monday night class. A post shared by...
Taking care of the dojo is such an important part of practice — treat it with respect, keep it clean, get flowers for the kamiza. Do what needs to be done to make it a beautiful and welcoming space for everyone to enjoy.#aikido #aikidoaikikai #bermudaaikikai #martialarts #womaninaikido #aikidowoman #usafdojo #kamiza #osensei #nasturtium
Sensei Smith demonstrates jo techniques, with Eugene during Wednesday night weapons at Bermuda Aikikai.
View this post on Instagram Sensei Smith demonstrates jo techniques, with Eugene during Wednesday night weapons at Bermuda Aikikai. #family...
Jo kata at weapons class. Wednesday’s at 6-7pm at Bermuda Aikikai. #bermuda #aikido #jo #practise
View this post on Instagram Jo kata at weapons class. Wednesday’s at 6-7pm at Bermuda Aikikai. #bermuda #aikido #jo #practise A post shared by Bermuda Aikikai (@bermuda.aikikai) on Feb 21, 2019 at 5:47am PST
Ari throwing Shaun in class last night #aikidoaikikai #bermudaaikikai #aikido #bermuda #martiaarts #usafdojo #tanto #disarmament #blackandwhitephotography
Kim and Ben doing some tanto disarmament #tanto #aikido #aikidoaikikai #bermudaaikikai #disarmament #usafdojo #womaninaikido
View this post on Instagram Kim and Ben doing some tanto disarmament #tanto #aikido #aikidoaikikai #bermudaaikikai #disarmament #usafdojo...
Over 40 Years Of Aikido In Bermuda
Sensei Smith moved to New Jersey from Bermuda in 1978 and was first exposed to aikido at what is now Aikido Schools of NJ under Sensei R Stickles. Read more