Bermuda Aikikai | 44 Ord Road | Warwick | WK10 Bermuda

Anthea Pascaris teaches kids class on Saturday morning.
View this post on Instagram Anthea Pascaris teaches kids class on Saturday morning. A post shared by Bermuda Aikikai (@bermuda.aikikai) on Jun 22,...
Friday Night June 21 | Donovan Waite Shihan
An absolute packed dojo saw Shihan Donovan Waite step on the mat for his second time in Bermuda, and to officially launch the new dojo space. Below are some images from the class. Class resumes 10:00am at Ord Road dojo with Sensei Smith, followed by Shihan Waite...
Kokyu dosa. A great way to end the class.
View this post on Instagram Kokyu dosa. A great way to end the class. A post shared by Bermuda Aikikai (@bermuda.aikikai) on Jun 21, 2019 at 4:10pm...
Shihan Donovan Waite @bermuda.aikikai summer seminar this weekend! Check the site for schedule and stop on by.
View this post on Instagram Shihan Donovan Waite @bermuda.aikikai Sunner seminar this weekend! Check the site for schedule and stop on by. A post...
Big turnout for first class with Shihan Donovan Waite at @bermuda.aikikai
Seminar 2019 Thursday Night
Thursday night's class was taught by sensei Eugene O'Connor on how to relate the jo to basic empty hand techniques and saw more past and present students and visitors from abroad turn up for a great night of training. Photos by Kim, the Sagurs and Cooks. ...
Over 40 Years Of Aikido In Bermuda
Sensei Smith moved to New Jersey from Bermuda in 1978 and was first exposed to aikido at what is now Aikido Schools of NJ under Sensei R Stickles. Read more